Our packages

Booking a package with us is very advantageous and gets everything in one price.
The price is always better in a package.

Invite someone you particularly like! February 7-15.
Sports holidays are not just about the mountains! See you by the sea?
Easter is fun! Enjoy the spring sun, sea air and fun activities.
Come early in the week and enjoy even more peace and quiet.
Summer + SPA = when you want to treat yourself
Ready to go -SPA included - when you want to treat yourself.
Children's best choices with the best included
Summer's best choice with half board for young and old
Our most popular package for all ages with a lot included
Something for everyone - beginner or experienced. Training events that can be booked as packages.
Start the day with golf and end the day at SPA Horisont  
Choice of several nearby courses with different terrain  

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