
TanumStrand SPA & Resort shall be free from irregularities, corruption and other serious misconduct. It is important to us that issues that could harm our business or our employees are identified and investigated as early as possible. That’s why we have a whistleblowing function where you can report work-related misconduct.

What is a whistleblowing?

A whistleblowing is when a person reports serious wrongdoing in an organization. It can be about things that are illegal or unethical. Since December 17, 2021, Sweden has a new whistleblowing law, Lag (2021:890) om skydd för personer som rapporterar om missförhållanden.

Who can blow the whistle?

In addition to employees of TanumStrand SPA & Resort, others are also covered by the protection of the Whistleblower Act. These may be job applicants, trainees, hired staff, consultants, or others who have received information about TanumStrand SPA & Resort in a work-related context. Contractors, subcontractors and suppliers to us who have learned of misconduct within the company can also report. The fact that you have ended your work-related relationship with us, or that it has not yet started, is not an obstacle to reporting misconduct. The protection also applies to others than the reporter, such as persons supporting the reporter and legal persons the reporter works for or is otherwise connected to.

What can you blow the whistle on?

Examples of what you report can be serious misconduct regarding regulations that are not followed, if there are risks to life and health or damage to the environment, internal rules and principles are not followed, unethical conditions occur. The misconduct must be in the public interest for you to be protected by the Whistleblowing Act. This does not normally include an individual’s working or employment conditions. Such cases are handled internally with the immediate manager. You must also have reasonable grounds to believe that the information is true.

How do I report?

All reports received through the whistleblowing function are handled confidentially by a case manager at TanumStrand SPA & Resort. You can use different ways to report. What we want you to report regardless of how you choose to report is:

  • Your name (optional – you can remain anonymous)
  • Contact details (optional)
  • What the misconduct is about and where it took place
  • If there is any evidence or witnesses
  • When in time did the event take place.
  • You can attach files, such as pictures or other documentation

Different ways to report


You can report suspected misconduct by sending a letter to: TanumStrand SPA & Resort, Whistleblower function, TanumStrand Hotel, 457 95 Grebbestad


You can report suspected abuses in your workplace by email. Email visselblasare@tanumstrand.se stating your case and a responsible person will contact you by email or phone as you wish.

Physical meeting

You can request to report suspected misconduct verbally at a physical meeting. A physical meeting can then be booked with an authorized person at TanumStrand SPA & Resort in Grebbestad.

If you have chosen to remain anonymous, you will not receive any acknowledgement or feedback. Misconduct can be reported at any time during the year.

External reporting

If you don’t want to report internally, you can choose to go directly externally. Then there are different authorities to turn to depending on what you want to report on.

Here you can find a list of all authorities and their whistleblowing responsibilities.

GDPR and protection against retaliation

The operator shall not obstruct reporting or take reprisals against the reporter, the elected representative, the selected independent person receiving the report

Reporting to the whistleblowing function will involve the processing of personal data in a follow-up case. Personal data of a sensitive nature may also need to be processed.

The information you provide, including information about your identity, is covered by confidentiality under the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). This means that the information may not be disclosed and that only those persons who need the information to investigate the case may have access to it. Personal data that is clearly not relevant to the processing of a report must be deleted if it has been collected by mistake. The report documentation will be kept for as long as the case is relevant, but no longer than two years after the case is closed.